A Utah Orthodontist + Giveaway

November 11, 2010

Right to Left:  Cassie  Lori  Jessica  Me &  My Mom
Last week I got to attend a real life blogger event at Pobanz Orthodontics. The event was hosted by Dr. John Pobaz, Elisa, and Janet. Dr. John is a Orthodontic Specialist in Utah.

As part of the blogger lunch we got a tour of Dr. Pobanz office, and learn about the newest technology in orthodontics like Damon Braces, Sure Smile, and Invisalign.

I never had to have braces, luckily,  but if I ever do I would go to Dr. Pobaz 100%. Not only is he a specialist with state of the art technology he was such a fun guy! At Pobanz Orthodontics they have all kinds of "Office Fun" like 70's day or Crazy Fan Day.

As part of the blogger event we all got free teeth whitening kits. We each got our teeth molded by Dr. Pobanz's staff and because they have an in house lab we were able to take our trays home with us that day!  How cool is that! I have been using my whitening kit and am loving the results so far!

After our tour and getting our teeth molded we talked a little about blogging and a few SEO tips. I loved hearing the tips and learning from other bloggers. We chatted over a tasty lunch and eclairs. Yum. We definitely got the vip treatment at Dr. Pobanz's office.

As part of the blogger event we were given a Oral-B Rechargeable Power Toothbrush to giveaway to one of our blog readers! Would you like to win this Oral-B Power Toothbrush? It comes with the Toothbrush and charging station. No batteries needed here.

Wouldn't this be a perfect stocking stuffer?

To enter to win the Oral-B Cross Action Recharging Toothbrush:

 Leave a comment telling me something that makes you smile.

Giveaway open to US only.
End 11/17 and the winner will be notified by email.

If you are looking for an Orthodontist in Utah I would suggest:
John M. Pobanz, DDS, MS
(801) 627-0500


1. allreddesign said...

Kendra it was so fun getting to meet you and your mom at Pobanz last week!! Loved your post about it. Hope to see you again at the CBC conference in the Spring!!

2. Jenny said...

Free stuff makes me smile :)

Really though, the Holidays make me smile and knowing I get to spend them with family makes it that much better.

3. Sydney Garton said...

Free stuff makes me smile too! But I won't steal Jenny's comment!

Summer makes me smile.. lately she has learned how to tickle other people and it makes me smile and laugh all the time.

Love you blog and love you're doing this giveaway! That's so cool that you got to go to this!

4. MamaHaas said...

I found you through Fingerprints on the Fridge - you have such a cute blog :) Listening to my children laugh & giggle makes me smile.

5. lesa said...

Pick me!

6. Lynn said...

Being able to get out and enjoy the outdoors makes me smile!

7. Julie said...

Cinnamon rolls make me smile! Can I enter here as well as on your mom's blog? Thanks for visiting mine by the way. I am happy to discover a new blogging friend in you.

8. Kendra said...

Yes Julie you can enter here and on my mom's blog. We each got a toothbrush to giveaway! :)

9. Carson said...

I would like to win!

10. The Millers said...

Visitors make me smile! It was fun to have you guys!

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