Black Sand Beach

June 2, 2011

We have been enjoying exploring our new city and hawaiian life! We are loving it here so far! Of course we are missing utah and family but we are having quiet an adventure!
One thing we have discovered....
Where we live in hawaii there aren't a lot of sandy beaches. There are a few but not many.
Most of them are either rocky or have very little sand. Here are some pictures of us exploring the beach....



lesa said...

Your little Hawaiian girl looks like she is having so much fun!! Beautiful pictures.

Ginger said...

I've never been to Hawaii yet so I'm loving all the photos you are posting! I almost feel like I'm there. I'm glad you made it safely and are getting to enjoy your time together as a family before school starts. :)

Valerie said...

Gorgeous pictures! Glad you arrived safe & sound and that you are having fun exploring.

christa said...

So beautiful! :) Enjoy your time there!

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