I'm a Cookie Dough Addict.

December 15, 2010

Do you remember sitting on the counter and making cookies with your mom when you were a little kid? Or maybe you made them with your friend, aunt, grandma, or neighbor. Either way, I am hopeful that all of us have some sort of cookie making memory.

Do you remember sneaking a piece of cookie dough out of the bowl when your mom wasn't looking? Or was that just me? Then when mom turns her back to you at the kitchen sink you try to sneak another piece and somehow she knows. "Kendra....."

Maybe my cookie dough addiction should be at least partly blamed on my mom. She probably just being a good mom and gave me a little taste when I was younger, just like I gave Sophie a lick tonight, and it was downhill from there. Sorry Sophie, you are destined to a life with a cookie dough addiction. It runs in the family.

Sophie and I made some experimental cookies tonight. No real recipe just a collision between chocolate chip cookie batter and cherry cordial kisses. It didn't provide the best results but it did provide cookie dough for tasting.  Who wants a baked cookie anyways?

{please excuse the nasty shmear on my oven door}

Do you remember digging out all the cookie dough chunks from the cookie dough ice cream. Then when your husband goes to dish himself a bowl all thats left is a excavation site and some vanilla ice cream. Or is that just me?

Do you remember making a batch of cookies and not baking a single one. And maybe even storing some of the batter in the freeze for a later snack. Or is that just me?

Is there cookie dough addict support group?


1. Anonymous said...

If there is a cookie dough addict support group I want to join! :)
Uncle, C

2. lesa said...

It is okay if you blame me because I got the habit from my mom! :)

I love the picture of S sitting on the counter. I'm sure you have seen the few we have of you sitting on the counter when you were little...

3. Jenny said...

We too like cookie dough. It rarely makes it to cookie form at our house.

4. Cannwin said...

Is that a good book? Devils Food Cake. I've been wanting to read that series, but haven't actually gotten my hands on a copy (I'm in South Dakota...it happens). So is it worth finding a copy?

5. Lynn said...

I buy frozen cookie dough from my granddaughter's fundraiser, then give it to my son for his birthday. I'm pretty sure it never gets baked. It just sits in the freezer and slowly disappears...

6. Kendra said...

@ cannwin,

yes, the book was very good. It was my favorite of the series! If you can get a copy of it I would!

7. Stacy said...

Here from MMB~

I love this. We are bonafide cookie dough addicts at our house. It's gotten so bad that whenever I get out the Kitchenaid mixer bowl my two year old is clinging to my legs and begging for some.

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